It's got to be göt2be!
Freeze that style into place with göt2b® blasting
FREEZE SPRAY. Spray through hair carelessly fo
that sexy, messy look or twist tips into spikes for
outrageous hold that will last until your net
shampoo. Only for stuck up styles and extreme roct
hard hair.
Press down on actuator to release spray. Apply
8-12 inches away from hair. Create your own
individual style. In the event the nozzle dogs
lemove the nozzle, run it under hot water to remole
the residue. Wipe nozzle with a tissue.
Cool Tip:
for over the top spikes, spray heavily and wish t
ANlow to dry and finish with on odditional blast. *
hod messy look, sproy hoir from root io end of
wessoge With fingerips in a circulc motion. Fn?
lot a direct blast to demant four si,a. to setnt.
har and finish with blasting PREFZi Spaat
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